Wednesday, 16 April 2008

Not many people can pull off the color yellow and be this successful. Jennifer Lopez looked radiant as she left the Waverly Inn alongside her husband Marc Anthony. Adult night out! Yeah — always fun. There is only so many times you can eat at a restaurant where you are allowed to color on the table paper before you get a bit loony (yes, I am at that point).

See Madonna Live… On The Internet

When I was younger, I used to beg my mother to purchase the Pay Per View shows for New Kids on the Block and WWF matches (randon I know — I had a thing for the Warrior). Well this is sort of the same thing, except it’s FREE and it’s on the Internet. US viewers can watch Madonna in concert for free on as she performs one show at NY’s Roseland Ballroom on April 30th.
Everyone else can catch the show when they rebroadcast it on May 15th. If you live in the area and want to catch the show at Roseland, tickets will NOT be pre-sold. But Verizon customers can compete for a ton of spots and everyone else just has to line up for a first come basis distribution.
The concert will mark the first time Madonna has performed songs from her hotly anticipated new album Hard Candy, which is released on April 29.
Bauer Griffin

Tuesday, 15 April 2008

Tom Cruise Thinks Victoria Beckham Is A Bad Influence On Katie Holmes

Ever since Victoria Beckham moved to the U.S. and became Katie Holmes’ new BFF I think we have all seen a little bit of a change in Katie’s appearance. But, is Victoria really to blame? Tom Cruise thinks so. He wants his wife to spend less time with Posh Spice because he’s worried that her eating habits are rubbing off.
“Katie sees Victoria as a role model She copies Victoria’s look and even cut her hair the same way. She is very thin largely because she is following Victoria’s strict 900-calories-a-day eating plan. She is copying Victoria’s fad of eating seaweed shakes, frozen grapes and edamame beans. She is tiny.”
If Katie is too thin, it can’t be just Victoria’s fault. I’m sure there are a lot of outside causes…being stressed out from the pressure of being the wife of one of the most famous men on the planet, for one thing.

Ashlee Simpson Is Pregnant

Ashlee Simpson and Pete Wentz are expecting their first child according to Us Weekly Magazine. So I guess the rumors were true about the engagement sparking from a pregnancy. There seems to be a trend with younger sisters not using protection in Hollywood? This is an interesting year to say the least. First we had Solange, Beyonce’s sister (thanks PardyHardy) Jamie Lynn, Britney’s sister and now Ashlee, Jessica’s sister? But let’s not forget Jessica Alba and Nicole Richie either. Is getting pregnant before marriage the new black in the Industry?
When asked, Ashlee’s rep had no comment. Wonder what Papa Joe has to say about this. After all, he is a former Baptist minister.
Thanks Jamie and Corrina!
Update: I am actually SHOCKED to see someone in the comments section think for one second that “is getting pregnant before marriage the new black” was meant to be a racial statement. That is not what INO or what I am all about. This is a family friendly site that NEVER says racial, homophobic or sexist things. I actually pride myself in being a clean site who really tries to keep things positive in a not so positive world.
“X is the new black” is a very common term that I thought would be interpreted properly. I’m still confused over it all but wanted to make it clear that my intention was only to say it’s the latest trend

Victoria Beckham And Kate Beckinsale Watch David Beckham’s Soccer Game

Well, looks like someone made a new friend! I’m pretty sure this is a new thing, but it makes perfect sense to me…both women are super stylish, A-list shopping gurus. It’s only natural that they eventually start bumping into each other at the same stores and parties. Kate Beckinsale, Len Wiseman, and daughter Lily fit right in with the Beckham crowd as they joined Victoria and the group to watch David Beckham play soccer for the Galaxy.

Saturday, 12 April 2008


Cameron Diaz For W Magazine

Cameron Diaz graced the cover of W Magazine for their May edition and BOY can this girl take a picture. I can’t help but think about what Kate Hudson just said though about how heavily photoshopped they all are. In case you are a fan, here are a few teasers from the interview.
On whether she dreamed of being an actress when she was a kid…
“Oh, no. I wanted to be a zoologist, to study the sociology of animals,” she says. “But that’s pretty much what I do now anyway. I thought I’d be on the plains of Africa watching lions, but instead I’m in Hollywood watching train wrecks.” And then she busts out laughing and adds hastily, “I’m just kidding.”
On buying a place in Manhattan…
“I’m done with L.A. Those guys [the paparazzi], you can’t get away from them. You have no options because everybody’s in a car. Here, I can walk down the street like everybody else. Not everybody is there to be rich and famous or attach themselves to rich and famous people. People want nothing from you. They just want to say, like, ‘Hey, how’s it going, Cameron?’ I like that interaction. I like to be in a place where I can be open to people and not worry about the consequences.”
On her goals…
“Just kind of taking more time getting to know myself. It sounds so corny that I can’t believe I even just said that, but, you know, there comes a time when you really have to get to know who you are…I’ve just been figuring out what interests me and spending time with people who are important to me and being present in my own life.”
On Vegas…
“I looooove Vegas. It’s such an easy trip from L.A., and there’s always a hotel room because there’s about a billion of them,” she says, before adding with a laugh, “but honestly, you don’t even really need one if you’re just going for the weekend!”