Tuesday, 15 April 2008

Tom Cruise Thinks Victoria Beckham Is A Bad Influence On Katie Holmes

Ever since Victoria Beckham moved to the U.S. and became Katie Holmes’ new BFF I think we have all seen a little bit of a change in Katie’s appearance. But, is Victoria really to blame? Tom Cruise thinks so. He wants his wife to spend less time with Posh Spice because he’s worried that her eating habits are rubbing off.
“Katie sees Victoria as a role model She copies Victoria’s look and even cut her hair the same way. She is very thin largely because she is following Victoria’s strict 900-calories-a-day eating plan. She is copying Victoria’s fad of eating seaweed shakes, frozen grapes and edamame beans. She is tiny.”
If Katie is too thin, it can’t be just Victoria’s fault. I’m sure there are a lot of outside causes…being stressed out from the pressure of being the wife of one of the most famous men on the planet, for one thing.

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