Wednesday, 16 April 2008

Not many people can pull off the color yellow and be this successful. Jennifer Lopez looked radiant as she left the Waverly Inn alongside her husband Marc Anthony. Adult night out! Yeah — always fun. There is only so many times you can eat at a restaurant where you are allowed to color on the table paper before you get a bit loony (yes, I am at that point).

See Madonna Live… On The Internet

When I was younger, I used to beg my mother to purchase the Pay Per View shows for New Kids on the Block and WWF matches (randon I know — I had a thing for the Warrior). Well this is sort of the same thing, except it’s FREE and it’s on the Internet. US viewers can watch Madonna in concert for free on as she performs one show at NY’s Roseland Ballroom on April 30th.
Everyone else can catch the show when they rebroadcast it on May 15th. If you live in the area and want to catch the show at Roseland, tickets will NOT be pre-sold. But Verizon customers can compete for a ton of spots and everyone else just has to line up for a first come basis distribution.
The concert will mark the first time Madonna has performed songs from her hotly anticipated new album Hard Candy, which is released on April 29.
Bauer Griffin

Tuesday, 15 April 2008

Tom Cruise Thinks Victoria Beckham Is A Bad Influence On Katie Holmes

Ever since Victoria Beckham moved to the U.S. and became Katie Holmes’ new BFF I think we have all seen a little bit of a change in Katie’s appearance. But, is Victoria really to blame? Tom Cruise thinks so. He wants his wife to spend less time with Posh Spice because he’s worried that her eating habits are rubbing off.
“Katie sees Victoria as a role model She copies Victoria’s look and even cut her hair the same way. She is very thin largely because she is following Victoria’s strict 900-calories-a-day eating plan. She is copying Victoria’s fad of eating seaweed shakes, frozen grapes and edamame beans. She is tiny.”
If Katie is too thin, it can’t be just Victoria’s fault. I’m sure there are a lot of outside causes…being stressed out from the pressure of being the wife of one of the most famous men on the planet, for one thing.

Ashlee Simpson Is Pregnant

Ashlee Simpson and Pete Wentz are expecting their first child according to Us Weekly Magazine. So I guess the rumors were true about the engagement sparking from a pregnancy. There seems to be a trend with younger sisters not using protection in Hollywood? This is an interesting year to say the least. First we had Solange, Beyonce’s sister (thanks PardyHardy) Jamie Lynn, Britney’s sister and now Ashlee, Jessica’s sister? But let’s not forget Jessica Alba and Nicole Richie either. Is getting pregnant before marriage the new black in the Industry?
When asked, Ashlee’s rep had no comment. Wonder what Papa Joe has to say about this. After all, he is a former Baptist minister.
Thanks Jamie and Corrina!
Update: I am actually SHOCKED to see someone in the comments section think for one second that “is getting pregnant before marriage the new black” was meant to be a racial statement. That is not what INO or what I am all about. This is a family friendly site that NEVER says racial, homophobic or sexist things. I actually pride myself in being a clean site who really tries to keep things positive in a not so positive world.
“X is the new black” is a very common term that I thought would be interpreted properly. I’m still confused over it all but wanted to make it clear that my intention was only to say it’s the latest trend

Victoria Beckham And Kate Beckinsale Watch David Beckham’s Soccer Game

Well, looks like someone made a new friend! I’m pretty sure this is a new thing, but it makes perfect sense to me…both women are super stylish, A-list shopping gurus. It’s only natural that they eventually start bumping into each other at the same stores and parties. Kate Beckinsale, Len Wiseman, and daughter Lily fit right in with the Beckham crowd as they joined Victoria and the group to watch David Beckham play soccer for the Galaxy.

Saturday, 12 April 2008


Cameron Diaz For W Magazine

Cameron Diaz graced the cover of W Magazine for their May edition and BOY can this girl take a picture. I can’t help but think about what Kate Hudson just said though about how heavily photoshopped they all are. In case you are a fan, here are a few teasers from the interview.
On whether she dreamed of being an actress when she was a kid…
“Oh, no. I wanted to be a zoologist, to study the sociology of animals,” she says. “But that’s pretty much what I do now anyway. I thought I’d be on the plains of Africa watching lions, but instead I’m in Hollywood watching train wrecks.” And then she busts out laughing and adds hastily, “I’m just kidding.”
On buying a place in Manhattan…
“I’m done with L.A. Those guys [the paparazzi], you can’t get away from them. You have no options because everybody’s in a car. Here, I can walk down the street like everybody else. Not everybody is there to be rich and famous or attach themselves to rich and famous people. People want nothing from you. They just want to say, like, ‘Hey, how’s it going, Cameron?’ I like that interaction. I like to be in a place where I can be open to people and not worry about the consequences.”
On her goals…
“Just kind of taking more time getting to know myself. It sounds so corny that I can’t believe I even just said that, but, you know, there comes a time when you really have to get to know who you are…I’ve just been figuring out what interests me and spending time with people who are important to me and being present in my own life.”
On Vegas…
“I looooove Vegas. It’s such an easy trip from L.A., and there’s always a hotel room because there’s about a billion of them,” she says, before adding with a laugh, “but honestly, you don’t even really need one if you’re just going for the weekend!”

I’m Not Obsessed Will Be Featured On Kathy Griffin’s ‘My Life On The D List’

SO excited!! I get an email from Kathy Griffin’s people asking me if they can have the rights to take a screen cap of a post I put up earlier this week. I said YESSSSS! I guess she did a little press for her show with Adnan and they wanted to see what outlets would pick it up. Naturally, INO did because I LOVE her. I’m not delusional. I know that the picture of my site will be on for maybe 1.2 seconds. But I will TAKE IT!
It is due to air in the summer. When it does I will post the video after I pass out and wake up again.

Friday, 11 April 2008

Penelope Cruz And Javier Bardem Engaged?

A report is circulating saying that Javier Bardem proposed to Penelope Cruz while on vacation in France. The couple is expected to marry later on this year. Another engagement? I thought Ashlee Simpson’s engagement news would at least have 24 full hours before another celebrity popped the question.
Javier’s family is very excited about the new addition to their group. In fact, Penelope’s mother to be told her son:
“What’s the matter with you? She’s perfect! You love her, she loves you. Get married.’”
I have a thing for Penelope. She doesn’t crave press and she is a wonderful actress. I can’t wait to see her as a bride. She will literally be breathtaking in her wedding gown right? Well, that is if the engagement rumor is true…
Bauer Griffin

Ashlee Simpson’s Camp Leaking Mariah Carey Songs?

Sources are saying that Ashlee Simpson’s camp is responsible for all the leaked Mariah Carey songs that are floating around on the internet right now. Ashlee’s album comes out a week after Mariah’s and supposedly they leaked the songs in hopes of creating less competition.
“Joe Simpson has every right to be nervous about Ashlee going up against Mariah. They are backed into a corner with this release date since they already changed it once. Their only option in fighting the Mariah machine would be to create a way to make the album’s release less newsworthy.”
Of course, Ashlee’s rep denied the charges saying,
“Mariah is a great artist, but the only album release Ashlee is focused on right now is her own.”
What do you think, did Joe Simpson really stoop that low or is this just the press creating false drama?
Bauer GriffinONTD

Do You Believe in Rihanna? And I Hope You Do

Rihanna kept the dominatrix gear to a minimum performing in NYC last night to benefit her charity for children with cancer, Believe, and DKMS research. Not only did she perform for the kids, but she also stopped to pose and sign autographs for them — such a little sweetheart. There was one audience member in particular who must have been especially proud to see her work on stage and with the kids: Chris Brown was spotted sneaking out with Rih after the show. I guess there was no duet in the cards last night, but there's always another opportunity for the inseparable duo

Thursday, 10 April 2008

Jessica Simpson Is All Wet, but Not Washed Up

Jessica Simpson's Esquire cover wasn't the best photo of her in the world, but she washed off the shaving cream (and everything else) for the steamy spread inside the magazine. Quite the far cry from her casual daytime looks, Jessica hits the showers and proves that she's still got a whole lot of sexiness under her silly disposition. In fact, Tony Romo might have to watch out that his teammates don't have her pictures pinned up in their lockers when football season comes around again.

by popsugar

Rihanna's Got Chris There to Hold Her Hand

Good girl gone bad Rihanna got a little more tough girl last night adding new ink to her skin. She had Chris Brown by her side at a Manhattan tattoo parlor where she got the star tattoo on her back extended before heading off to a surprise birthday party for Melissa Forde. The maybe/maybe not dating duo obviously showed up to the bash separately, but he was sure to be by her side with a hand to squeeze while enduring the tattoo pain. Ouch.

by popsugar

Kirsten Dunst Is Back to Cigarettes and Dinner Dates

After a somewhat mysterious stint in rehab this Spring, Kirsten Dunst is back in NYC looking maybe a little healthier or maybe that's just positive thinking. She was out shopping, lunching, and smoking cigarettes with a friend, but I'm more interested in her supposed weekend date. Rumor has it that she was spotted having dinner with Ryan Gosling. Swoon. The two are teaming up onscreen in the new movie All Good Things, so I guess we'll have to see whether the relationship is strictly professional or turns into something more? If so, lucky lucky Kirsten.

by popsugar

Natalie Kicks Off Spring with a Flower Child

It looks like Natalie Portman has traded in last Fall's flame, Nathan Bogle, for a new guy. She and her bearded fellow went for a stroll in NYC yesterday, and based on the PDA levels, it would appear they're more than friends. It makes sense that vegan Harvard grad Natalie would be into peacoat wearing/hippie kind of guy and she's a smart lady so we'll trust her judgment. Plus, there's nothing like kicking off the Spring with a new love.

by popsugar

Johnny Depp And Vanessa Paradis Are Going To Make It Official

Johnny Depp and Vanessa Paradis have been together for almost 10 years now, but they’re finally going to make it official. Johnny had always said that if Vanessa ever decided she wanted a wedding, he would give it to her, so that’s what happened.
“Vanessa recently told Johnny that she would love to have a wedding. Johnny loves Vanessa very much, and he said if that’s what would make her happy, then he’d marry her.”
How sweet! They are on of my favorite couples :) Now we’ll just have to see if this is actually true. I’ve heard this rumor before…

Mike Meyers To Host 2008 Movie MTV Awards

Were you waiting for this announcement in great suspense? Wait no more, it has been confirmed that Mike Meyers will be hosting the 2008 MTV Movie Awards. I’m actually kind of excited for this year’s show. Last year, with Britney Spears‘ disastrous performance and the big fight between Tommy Lee and and Kid Rock over Pamela Anderson, things were pretty action packed.
This will be Mike’s second time hosting the show and the nominees for the awards will be announced in May.
*My bad, you guys are right! All the action happened at the Music Awards, not the Movie Awards. I can’t even remember the Movie Awards, that’s how exciting they were
Bauer Griffin

Wednesday, 9 April 2008


So why does Saucy believe that Jay Z and Beyonce are married? Well, for one,read this excerpt from
Mum was the wedding word from Jay-Z as he hit the stage in North Carolina on Saturday – a day after a friend says he married Beyoncé Knowles – revealing nothing about a ceremony and wearing no ring. But co-headliner Mary J. Blige on the "Heart of the City" tour couldn't maintain the same level of silence, shouting to the sold-out Greensboro audience: "Congratulations to my man, Jay-Z, and my girl B," before starting her set with "You're All I Need." So,singer Mary J Blige has congratulated the couple?


Johnny Depp Couldn't Make Enemies If He Tried

Johnny Depp is playing a bank robber in Public Enemies, but his tough-guy role doesn't seem to be affecting him personally. Johnny has been extra nice to fans while filming this movie, and word of his autograph-giving ways must be getting around. Hundreds of people camped out last night near his set in Aurora, Illinois in hopes of catching a glimpse of Mr. Depp. Like the nice guy he is, Johnny came out around midnight to have a meet and greet with waiting fans.

by popsugar

The Jolie-Pitts Are in the Air, Space, and DC

Angelina Jolie showed off her fresh face and baby bump in DC today as she headed to the Council on Foreign Relations to help launch the Education Partnership for Children of Conflict. She sure wears that pregnancy glow well, looking as gorgeous as ever in her brown gown. Of course it hasn't been all work and no play for the Jolie-Pitts in the capital city — yesterday Angie took her boys Pax and Maddox to the Air and Space Museum, much to the delight of the other visitors. As for Brad Dad, he's been busy getting nominated for a Webby award and helping out with Idol Gives Back. Hopefully he'll be back with his family in time to round up all the kids and tune in for the charity special when it airs tomorrow night.

by popsugar

Justin's Southern Comfort Is No Match For Kansas

Justin Timberlake piled on his Memphis gear and his favorite jewelry (wonder if it's a good luck charm?) to watch the Tigers take on the Kansas Jayhawks in the NCAA finals in San Antonio last night. Unfortunately the Tennessee native wasn't enough of a good luck charm, and Memphis lost in overtime after a nail biter. Justin may have been one of the many who narrowly missed winning their pools (congrats to Molly who won ours — woot woot!), but hopefully neither his hometown pride nor bank account was too badly bruised.

by popsugar

Jay-Z Is Happily ... Married?

Considering all the hoopla surrounding his very big party last Friday, Jay-Z looked great while out in NYC yesterday. Rather than a romantic honeymoon, he and Beyonce were down in NC for his show over the weekend and now it's back south for an Atlanta performance tonight. Even though he's conspicuously lacking a ring on his left hand here, that contented smile warms my heart. After the week the man has had — with his $150 million Live Nation deal and marrying his longtime love — how could he not be overjoyed? Now, I just wonder if they'll ever confirm the good news.

by popsugar

Sex and the City Foursome Makes A Point

The girls are back in town, or shall I say the city, and they're looking fab-u-lous! We're obviously so excited for the Sex and the City movie this May but the cast is already supporting one another and making appearances together. Last night in NYC Sarah Jessica Parker, Kim Cattrall and Kristin Davis came out to support Cynthia Nixon as she was recognized by the Point Foundation. The organization raises money for scholarships to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender students. Nixon was honored "to be considered a role model." She also said this about their reunion, "It was such a period in all our lives... And we thought it was all over, and to go back to it was amazing." Amazing indeed — time to start preparing for your SATC party now!

by popsugar

Tuesday, 8 April 2008

Fergie's Got Glamour To Spare

Miss Glamorous herself showed off her curves for the May issue of Glamour. Fergie may have been dodging pregnancy rumors just a few weeks ago, but between these photos and her little black outfit for Idol Gives Back, she's putting that speculation to rest in the best way. In the issue, she touches a wide range of topics from being engaged, to giving advice to getting pregnant for real someday. Here are highlights:

On Josh: "It's interesting: He's so great-looking--everybody knows that. But that's so not the reason that I'm with him. I've dated many different types. I was all over the map. For me, it was learning about being attracted to the right things in a person, not the wrong things...."
On which celebs she'd ask for pregnancy advice: "I'd like to ask Gwen [Stefani], because she's really done a great job. I don't want to be touring, though, when I'm pregnant, like Jennifer Lopez did, like Gwen and Christina [Aguilera] did. I know I don't want that. Because I get way too physical [on stage]; I don't think I could hold myself back. And I would just be scared to hurt the baby. So for me, I'd take time off to read books about having babies, because I have no idea about any of that. I've never changed a diaper!"
On how she deals with fat days: "You just have to know what looks good on you. I say, focus on the body part that you feel most comfortable about. My legs don't change much so a good look for me is a short black dress with long sleeves. If you see me in that, you know I've gained a few pounds, which is fine."

by popsugar

Clooney Plays Ladies' Man With Matt's Help

George Clooney was the man of the hour in London tonight and had plenty of ladies at his disposal at the Harper's Bazaar dinner in his honor. Editor Lucy Yeomans played host, while Elle Macpherson, Jemima Khan, and Thandie Newton (or should we say Condoleeza Rice?) were just a few of the lucky women who rubbed elbows with Mr. Clooney. George was gracious enough to let a couple of other guys sneak past the door, and had a little reunion with his buddy Matt Damon. Sarah Larson was noticeably absent from her man's side, but we all know that he's still defending her honor between all the dinner parties.

by popsugar

Brad Pitt Was Speechless on American Idol

Brad Pitt took his new favorite hat to the Kodak Theater in Hollywood last night to tape his segment for Idol Gives Back. Naturally he was greeted with no shortage of cheers when he took the stage to introduce a clip about Chris Daughtry's trip to Uganda. Unfortunately for Brad, there was a slight technical malfunction — his microphone wasn't working! Everything got sorted out, thanks to a couple of lucky assistants who got a very up close and personal celebrity sighting. Something tells us this part of the show won't make the final cut when the special airs on Wednesday, but just seeing Brad on our small screens will be fine with us.

by popsugar

Jessica Simpson For Esquire

Jessica Simpson ditched the clothes and lathered up for the May issue of Esquire. The photo was a re-creation of a cover from 1965 featuring Virna Lisi in the same pose. Check out both photos and tell us what you think of Jessica's cover ?

by popsugar

Britney's Quiet Weekend With the Family

It was another tame weekend for Britney who spent Friday night out to dinner with her parents and brother Bryan at Peppone in LA. The night also happened to be Jamie Lynn's 17th birthday who celebrated back in Mississippi with fiancé Casey. Others at the restaurant report that Brit was very polite, quiet and giggling throughout the night. Between wholesome family time and ratings gold we couldn't ask for much more from the new and improved Britney besides finally ditching the brown boots

by popsugar

Pregnant Alba's All Smiles About Her Baby Girl

This whole pregnancy thing is working wonders for Jessica Alba. We're getting more smiles out of her now than ever. This weekend she had a baby shower at the Ever After Teahouse in LA with friends and family including Rashida Jones, Jaime King and Kim Kardashian. E! Online reports the details about the lavender and white colors and turquoise goodie bags for the 35 guests. They also said Alba received tons of gifts and announced to the crowd she was expecting a baby girl this June. They may even have her name all picked out. While you all might not be excited about their upcoming wedding, we have to admit we're looking forward to seeing this beautiful baby who has made this mommy-to-be one happy woman.

by popsugar

Celebrity Stylist Wedding Brings Out the Stars

This weekend the big event in LA wasn't a premiere or an award show — it was a wedding. And it was the opposite of the small affair Jay-Z and Beyonce had on the east coast. This was celebrity stylist and co-designer of Miss Davenporte, Estee Stanley's wedding in LA where the Olsens were bridesmaids (wearing masks at times to avoid the paparazzi). Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel resurfaced together to attend as well as Tobey, Kurt and Goldie, Eva Mendes, and more. It's been awhile since we've seen JT and Jess together and as usual, they look thrilled.

by popsugar

Monday, 7 April 2008


Lovely Renee Zellweger arrived in London this weekend to promote her new movie Leatherheads. We spotted the blonde in monochrome and mixing business with fun last night, as she dined out with movie mogul Harvey Weinstein at Cipriani

by popsugar

Ashley Olsen Enjoys Her Weekend

We're loving that huge rare smile Ashley Olsen flashed the other day. She's wearing her favorite Fendi bag and her usual leather jacket. Her new line with MK recently hit stores and we have quite a few pieces on our wish list.

by popsugar

Saturday, 5 April 2008

Do you like Scarlett's Album Cover ?

Mr. & Mrs.

They did it!
After six years of dating, Beyonce and Jay-Z finally got married in NYC on Friday.
And, was the first to report on the date and location.
The pair chose to get married yesterday because 4/4/8 has special significance for them.
The wedding was a white affair, with guests wearing cream-colored outfits. Attendees included all the Knowles, the Destiny's Childrenz and Gwyneth & Chris Martin.
Congrats to the happy couple.
Hope they don't mind we shared with the world the wedding address!

света пожалуйста нажимайте на ссылки

Friday, 4 April 2008


George Clooney went black-on-black for his Letterman appearance last night and brought his endearingly dark humor right along with him. In typical Clooney fashion, the interview was two parts self-deprecating, three parts sardonic, and one part fawning over the interviewer. Naturally, he also told his favorite living close to Britney Spears story, along with talk of some recent dental adventures and crying on set — check it out after the jump. Leatherheads hits theaters tomorrow, and this is definitely one of those movies we've been waiting for a long time. What do you think: Will you be running out to catch it in the theaters?

by popsugar

Thursday, 3 April 2008

Rihanna Gets Down to Her Sassy Business

Rihanna left both her maybe boyfriend and adorable doggie at home yesterday afternoon and got all sexed up to shoot her new music video in LA. Look at her in her badass red leather jacket — it's gonna be a sassy one. Whoever she is or isn't dating, Rihanna's a hot young thing these days. I wonder if she'll make it out to her mentor Jay-Z and Beyonce's rumored upcoming wedding? Perhaps for a reception rendition of "Umbrella" with the groom?

by popsugar

Madonna Madness Is Here!

Interview, Vanity Fair, Elle UK and now our Elle in the states have all had Madonna grace their covers this month. We have a feeling this isn't even the end of the list yet. Promoting Hard Candy is the task at hand and in each interview we learn a little something new about the record-setting Pop Icon. This time she reveals news about Lourdes, Guy, and their family dynamic. Here are highlights:

On her kids: "Lola rules the roost. She is extremely maternal toward David. He is the apple of everyone's eye right now. Lola is in major competition with Rocco, but he's starting to fight back. But when nobody's looking, the two of them still creep into bed and cuddle. It's a closet kind of love."
On shopping in a disguise: "Lola likes us to do that. The incognito never really lasts very long, because everyone knows I wear baseball caps. So I guess I don't really have an incognito."
On who disciplines her children: "Oh, definitely me. Guy's a softie when it comes to our kids."
On Guy's favorite hobby: "Jujitsu. I don't get it—grown men throwing each other around. But he loves it."

by popsugar

George Plays Third Wheel But Doesn't Seem to Mind

George Clooney took a night off from promoting Leatherheads yesterday to join pals Rande Gerber and Cindy Crawford for dinner in NYC wearing his best Brad Pitt hat. After spending Monday night on the red carpet with Sarah Larson, George was flying solo last night. George is right in the thick of press for the film, and he recently spoke to Parade about what it was like to be both the director and star of a movie — especially when there is a kissing scene to do. Here's more:

On directing himself: “You give yourself less takes because it would look awful if you were to do more for yourself than the other actors. That doesn’t fly very well. But I’ve gone through the movie a thousand times before we start shooting, so I know pretty much what I need in the scene. But most of the time it’s just embarrassing to run from behind the camera and jump into a scene.”
On directing Renee Zellweger: “You know what the problem is? She has no talent. And she’s not cute. And it was very hard for me to work with her. No, she’s smart. She can do anything. She can deliver a punch line with the best of them. And she’s one of the sweetest, nicest people on earth. And she’s a dear friend.”
On how many takes it took to film his scene kissing Renee: “That’s the one thing I can’t remember.”
by popsugar

Salma and Valentina Shop 'Til They Drop

Salma Hayek and 6-month-old Valentina had a day of mother-daughter bonding yesterday as they shopped together at the Balenciaga boutique in LA. Salma's family certainly loves to shop, and chic Valentina will definitely be giving little Suri Cruise some competition in the best dressed celebrity baby department. No sign of Salma's fiancé Francois-Henri Pinault, but perhaps now that Valentina is getting a little older, they are switching into wedding planning mode.

by popsugar

Tuesday, 1 April 2008

Well Hello There Handsome Clive Owen

Clive Owen looked like he had a fun night out at the Waverly Inn this weekend. He's in NYC to shoot what sounds like an amazing movie with Julia Roberts. Duplicity is the film and it also stars Paul Giamatti. Talk about all-star casting! However, Clive is also more than just an actor these days. The Lancome model came out with a new ad campaign but we have to admit we think he looks cuter in these candid pictures. Dear wants to know what kind of relationship do you want to have with Clive?

by Popsugar

Reese and Jake in the Sun and Surf

Reese and Jake may have turned their spring break into a family vacation, but they still managed to find some time to themselves during their trip to Cabo. These two aren't the first to show off their beach bodies, but Reese and Jake gladly broke out the swimsuits for a little sunbathing and dips in the ocean. Poor Jakey G is still hobbling around on his crutches, but he'll have plenty of more time to relax now that Reese just bought a beautiful country house.

by popsugar

George, John and Renee Reunite For LA Leatherheads Debut

After a long trek (of sorts) across the country, Leatherheads finally made its way west last night for its big LA premiere. George Clooney still had Sarah Larson on his arm — apparently he's not one to let a few scandalous photos get in the way. He was also happy to joke about the supposed Jolie-Pitt wedding. Meanwhile, a very handsome looking John Krasinski finally got to pose with his big screen partners and it looks like Renee is especially smitten. The youthful star got some awesome support on the red carpet from his costars on The Office. While we wait with fingers crossed to see how this one turned out — how adorable are they all together?

by popsugar

The Jolie-Pitts: Still Pregnant, Still Not Married

The Jolie-Pitts, minus Shiloh, were spotted at a toy store in Houston yesterday doing their normal thing (coffee, hats, camo pants, toys, blah blah blah). This is very different from the out of control secret weddin stories that occurred this weekend. While the source was suspect to begin with, it was hard to avoid reporting what might be the wedding of the year. Even though there was no big event, Angelina is still growing and looking beautiful as always, even when very pregnant. Fab got to chat with Jennifer Rade who is Angie's stylist so now we can learn some of the celebrity style secrets of the stars and must have items.

by popsugar

Monday, 31 March 2008


It was widely reported this past weekend that Paris Hilton took a tumble in Prague, while on tour with boyfriend Benji Madden and his band Good Charlotte.
Many reports claim that the Prague paparazzi were at fault for her fall and subsequent chin injury, but these pictures show that Paris wasn't swarmed by paparazzi at all! It seems like the heiress simply tripped on the single stair leading from the Italian restaurant she was dining at to the street.
As she tumbled to the ground Benji nearly stepped on her head but managed some fancy footwork to barely escape it. He began to help her up but exchanged a few choice words with the lone photog instead.
Paris eventually made it to her feet and, obviously embarrassed, covered her head with her hood and hid in a corner on the street with Benji comforting her.
The two soon after rushed to their awaiting car with Paris refusing to uncover her hurt chin and seeming very angry with the situation.