Miss Glamorous herself showed off her curves for the May issue of Glamour. Fergie may have been dodging pregnancy rumors just a few weeks ago, but between these photos and her little black outfit for Idol Gives Back, she's putting that speculation to rest in the best way. In the issue, she touches a wide range of topics from being engaged, to giving advice to getting pregnant for real someday. Here are highlights:
On Josh: "It's interesting: He's so great-looking--everybody knows that. But that's so not the reason that I'm with him. I've dated many different types. I was all over the map. For me, it was learning about being attracted to the right things in a person, not the wrong things...."
On which celebs she'd ask for pregnancy advice: "I'd like to ask Gwen [Stefani], because she's really done a great job. I don't want to be touring, though, when I'm pregnant, like Jennifer Lopez did, like Gwen and Christina [Aguilera] did. I know I don't want that. Because I get way too physical [on stage]; I don't think I could hold myself back. And I would just be scared to hurt the baby. So for me, I'd take time off to read books about having babies, because I have no idea about any of that. I've never changed a diaper!"
On how she deals with fat days: "You just have to know what looks good on you. I say, focus on the body part that you feel most comfortable about. My legs don't change much so a good look for me is a short black dress with long sleeves. If you see me in that, you know I've gained a few pounds, which is fine."
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